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OBRT Celebrates 30 Years at Annual Meeting


On November 30th, the Ohio Business Roundtable hosted its Annual Meeting in Columbus, which marked our 30th anniversary as an organization. The events of the day included an engaging business meeting agenda, a legislative reception with Ohio Senators and Representatives, followed by a member and spouse dinner.

Governor Mike DeWine addresses members during OBRT Annual Meeting

After winning re-election earlier this month, Governor Mike DeWine outlined his priorities for his second term in office. Some of the initiatives that he detailed included:

  • JOB CREATION--Ohio has scored historic investment projects and continuing that momentum will further grow Ohio's job market.

  • EDUCATION--increasing access to career readiness curriculum to prepare the future generations to enter the workforce.

  • QUALITY OF LIFE--doing a better job of promoting Ohio as a top state to grow a business or start a family.

  • MENTAL WELLNESS--too many Ohioans are not reaching their full potential because of untreated mental health issues. Governor DeWine's goal for Ohio is to remove barriers and become leaders the nation in addressing this problem.

We also announced an exciting new concept that will bring together Ohio’s private sector to win more federal and non-federal grants. Just like OBRT, the Ohio Grants Alliance will represent the business community of the entire state, and will pursue grant opportunities that will benefit the economies and communities of more than just one region.

Dr. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, shares thoughts on leadership during virtual interview with Pat Tiberi

The meeting also included a video featuring Dr. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, about his book Moonshot detailing his experience leading a company working to produce and distribute a lifesaving vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Following Dr. Bourla's remarks, University Hospital's CEO, Dr. Cliff Megerian, was joined by UH's Chairman of the Department of Medicine to discuss their leading role with the Pfizer vaccine trials.

The day was capped off with a Legislative Reception followed by a Member Dinner at the Huntington Field Club at Field. Both of these events provided an excellent opportunity for our membership to get to know Ohio's elected officials better and vice versa.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted address OBRT members and spouses during dinner reception at Field

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